Am I the only one?

Has it ever happen, that you want to go in some specific places in this world, and have the feeling of returning home? I for one got a few places that are always crossing my mind and have made my bucket list.

It is such a weird feeling that I always get when I think of me being in that place. It feels like I would be reborn. Well, I guess that is the highest way in which I can explain to myself how it would be to visit those places. As I am sitting now, everywhere I want to go to is but a thought away…but that is just a dream and I promised myself that I will not let it be just that.

I always wanted to go and see the historical Inca ruins of Machu Picchu, never knew why and never explained myself why. There may be other beautiful places out there, but for me, Machu Picchu is the summit for now.

Mountain Everest

I also kept in mind how amazing it would be if I would ever get the chance to go and climb Mountain Everest and see the world for what it is from the highest point on earth, defined by a mountain.

Machu Picchu

And at some other time reach the Buddist Temples in Thailand in order to learn about spirituality.

I can never explain the feelings that go through me, every time I think of these places. Is it my current state that makes me feel this way? That I still feel stuck, incapable of reaching these places that for now seem to be only dreams? And I made a promise, promise that I will not let my life go by without experiencing and challenging my wanderlust.

And with this challenges, I choose to conquer life and challenge my existence. And when I will have made my journey I will rediscover who I am. Beacon of meaning and purpose, that is what my wanderlust is for me.


It has been a while since I first heard about this concept, Karma. And since I first heard about it I never stopped and truly wonder how is this ‘Karma’ carrying so much power. This idea that whatever we will do will at some point come back to us. That we are the creators of our heaven and hell. A mere word at the beginning and slowly something that I soon started to believe in.

Usually, I decide on setting my own beliefs, but somehow this karma has reached my soul. I do not know if it is cause I started to see how bad actions breed only more bad actions and good actions, in turn, breed more good actions. But somehow, all this force started to feel so real to me, and it seems that there was no better word to define it then karma. A myth or simply a story, for me karma was a factor that allowed me to understand that whatever may happen it is always better to do good.

And karma works in mysterious ways I am being told, and there I stop and wondered if it is not karma that allowed me to reach this present moment. And if it is, then it was me that allowed myself to reach this far into my story, cause karma only offers what we first choose to offer.

And so I say that I believe in karma, for I believe and have faith in who I am.

My List

I think everyone should have a list. A list of things that we should always remember whenever we feel down. A list that would allow us to return to who we are, and take a breath from all that is out there. I worked my list for quite some time, and I am sure that more changes will appear together with the flow of life.

Till then, here is my list that will always let me remember who I set out to be:

1. Smile ‘for when I smile, I stop everything that would be bad around me, and with that smile, I set out to make a difference and bring joy out in the world’

2. Listen ‘ for when I listen, I choose to hear and learn, and thus allow the world to reach me’

3. Learn ‘ for when I learn, I allow myself to evolve and become the better version of who I was’

4. Be Humble ‘ for when I am humble, I allow myself to see clearly what there is around me’

5. Be kind ‘ for when I am kind, I choose to breed and share peace and love around me’

6. Always help the others ’cause when I help others achieve their dream I end up achieving mine’

7. Go out and experience the new ‘ cause in everything that is new there is a chance that I will become stronger and wiser’

8. Never forget my roots ’cause when I will allow myself to forget who I was until this present moment so I will acknowledge that I did not learn one thing’

9. Take a break ‘ and with that break, I choose to meditate on what was past and what is present, and what needs to happen in the future’

The Masquerade

It was time and life that thought me that the best version of me is me. We know how we all look for acceptance, how we look to integrate into groups, how we chase for others approval of who we are. And in this chase for the approval, we start to play this game of masquerade. We are presented with so many masks, answers to our prayers for acceptance, and when we start to wear them one by one, we lose ourselves in the big crowd.

We reached the point where we desire so much to be accepted by all that is outside but never do we stop and ask ourselves if we would accept us for what we have become. It is the thrill of the hunt for who we try to be in order to please the other and in this thrill it is where we lose who we really are.bravequotestoinspireyoutobeyourself.jpg

Never again, shall I deny myself who I really am, for who I am should be the most important aspect of our life. Cause life is built around who we are, and what will happen when we spent all that time, raising a life in which we are not able to live…cause it was never designed for us since the beginning. Do not chase for others approval when you are not approving with yourself, do not look at you through the eyes of others, when you can hang a mirror in front of you and see who you really are. Forever treasure who you are and want to be, and don’t wait for others to acknowledge your worth. Cause we are all special in our own way, and we should all follow our own path and dreams.